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Our work

We have partnered with some of the coolest companies. We've helped design, build and validate some of their most ambitious ideas. Here is a selection of our work.

NASA brand image

New Amsterdam Surf Association

Aesthetic and snappy shopping experience for a rebellious fashion brand

We partnered with New Amsterdam Surf Association (NASA), a Dutch lifestyle brand, to design and implement a streamlined, authentic, and fast shopping experience.

Hakio brand image


From a blank canvas to a dynamic SaaS brand

For Hakio, a trailblazing Danish SaaS startup, we didn't just build a website—we crafted an entire brand identity. From conceptualizing their name to establishing a robust online presence, we transformed a fresh idea into a vibrant force in the fashion industry's tech space.

Sorry Mom brand image

Sorry Mom

Shaping the shopping experience for the tattoo skincare brand

By focusing on Sorry Mom's rich storytelling and creating an image-driven brand experience, we successfully positioned the brand as a leader in the tattoo care industry.

CO2 Neutral Website case image with preview of the website

CO2 Neutral Website

Rebuilding the membership platform for CO2 Neutral Website

Tasked with revitalizing a pivotal global climate initiative, we transformed CO2 Neutral Website's digital presence. Our solution seamlessly blended a minimalist design with user-centric functionality, resulting in a serverless platform optimized for performance and multilingual content management.

CO2 Neutral Website case image with preview of the website

Små Film

Crafting a digital home for the creative content agency

When Små Film was looking for a robust digital platform, they turned to us. We delivered a vibrant and scalable website, tailored to match their creative energy and support their ambitious growth plans.

Den Bedste Tid case image with preview of the website

Den Bedste Tid

Building memories for efterskole moments

We built a vibrant eCommerce platform where students customize merchandise, create memory books, and book reunions, encapsulating the essence of their 'best time' with smart and user-friendly tech solutions.

GAFFA product layouts with preview of mobile screens


Teaming up with Scandinavia's No. 1 music magazine

For over three years, we've acted as the dedicated backstage crew to GAFFA's digital stage, crafting and improving experiences for music fans across Scandinavia.

Office Stance mood image with laptop stands

Office Stance

Headless Shopify: launched in just two weeks!

We assisted Office Stance in developing a headless storefront using Shopify and Sanity. This state-of-the-art solution not only positions them at the forefront of technology but also guarantees scalability and an outstanding user experience.

CO2 Neutral Website case image with preview of the website

Framing People

Configuring custom frames made easy and accessible

Collaborating with Framing People, we revolutionized the online custom framing experience. Harnessing advanced technologies like Sanity, Next.js and Three.js, we crafted an intuitive platform where users can configure, visualize, and order their frames, effortlessly.

Ældreshoppen mood image - green forrest


Online merchandise experience for a niche community

Crafting a specialized online store for Aeldreshoppen, we made custom-branded merchandise accessible for members of Ældre Sagen, Denmark's premier organization for older adults.

Brands we've empowered

Sorry Mom
Små film
Hakio logo
New Amsterdam Surf Association logo
Hopeium logo
We Do Frames logo
Headfirst logo

Let's build success, together.

At Nethart, we thrive on innovation and embrace every challenge as an opportunity. Have a project in mind? Contact me and we’ll set up a video call to discuss your vision in detail.


Product Development Lead

[email protected]